A Future of Drawing and Paints

A Future of Drawing and Paints

From random rolls on my Personalised Article Generator.

So after last week's quarterly art update, I started to think about what I want to draw and paint in the future.

Collages and Vistas

Earlier this year I finished creating my five and one year vision boards. These are collages of photos and images cut from magazines and any other physical sources. Then the images that speak to me (or you!) are put onto your board, representing what you want in the future.

These aren't the art I want to focus on, though I will continue with these. But they did inspire a collage, which I've still to finish off (it needed laminating and some bits stuck back on). The collage was made of art pieces with lots of colour, that I didn't know what else to do with!

And now I'd like to make more, either the same again or a patchwork of art pieces and random bits I find. Then I don't know what will happen to them!

Pictures of People

One longer term aim is interacting more with people, and part of this is drawing them! Drawing people is hard, but can be so rewarding and a learning experience.

More drawing of

  • Drawing art models / people posing
  • Sketches of others at art meetups and other events
  • Drawing people as they dance!
  • Finishing the book on drawing people's faces
  • Sketching people in cafes or on the move. With limited time to get down a few quick strokes or lines.

At the Sea

I really like drawing the sea and other bits of water. So I'd like to do more of that, and spend more time around sea, lake and river in general.

That sounds pretty easy to do!

Acrylic Paints

While my painting is normally watercolours, this is mostly because they're most convenient when travelling. I'd like to have a go at some more acrylic paints again!

This would just needed getting a decent travel acrylic set, and then working out what to draw and paint.

Finishing Up

Sure I'd like to do some more larger pieces, but that's enough for now!



Duncan is an aspiring creative nomad, who publishes random lists and tools for roleplaying games. Hobbies include salsa, games, books, podcasts, languages and history.
It varies. Probably in Europe