An Affiliate for a Creative Blog

Some thoughts around a new affiliate for the blog.
Today's is a short one today as I'm isolating after a positive covid test! After a dance weekend with 500 others it wasn't a great surprise.
Do I want an Affiliate for a Creative Project?
I wasn't sure if I wanted an affiliate for the blog. This is a personal blog on various random topics that has a low readership. Understandable as I'm still developing themes and a writing money.
I like to have some creative things which are just about making and have no monetary or business thoughts around them. Like learning languages or drawing. I have a blog and site on gaming generators for mixing creativity and making cash
But I thought the act of finding an affiliate for Dice Song would make me decide if I was comfortable with one.
Affiliate of Leonie Dawson
I have an affiliate for the blog which are the courses of Leonie Dawson. She's a unique creative talent from Aus who manages to combine life their way with a flourishing business.
I've recommended her podcast in the past. I've used her Calendar for setting my 2021 objectives and am currently working my way through Marketing Without Social Media Workshop. Which I can totally recommend.
There is an ugly link in the menu to start me off. It's how I do things, starting quick and ugly and then making it better from there.
Finding a Fit
I've actually been on the lookout for an affiliate for a while. Mostly to give me some idea on the direction of the blog. Someone creative with courses I love is a perfect fit.
I've looked out for ones with books, or on writing courses or existing ones around roleplaying games. Preferably something with a global appeal, so no Devon vegan cakes for example.
I've been trying to avoid places such as amazon.
Finishing Up
Back to more lengthy stuff next time
Hope you are having a great summer!
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