A Side Project Blog on Creativity (and Side Projects)

A New Blog. A New Side Project.

Do you have a random side project?

This blog "Dice Song" is my new side project, focused on creativity. That's a broad subject on purpose.

Random Side Projects

A random side project should be fun and an outlet for other energies in your life. I found a list of 51 side projects from SquareSpace as examples.

It is a place to play and experiment. To follow ideas, to nurture or and discard them. There is no expectation of making money. There is no long term plan. It is a random side project.

A blog called Pie and Dragon was another random side project. I used it to explore what I wanted to create for roleplaying games (rpgs).

It fulfilled its task leading to a blog on rpg tools, then a site of rpg tools and publishing pdfs on Dungeon Master's Guild.

Then I deleted it.


I've always blended many interests and gone deep on a few of those.  This is a "T-shaped" skillset, as opposed to being good at one thing "I-shaped" or a generalist.

I would like to create things beyond tools for roleplaying games. I might even find other ways to provide income from other forms of creativity.

This blog is to find the more interests I want to go deep into. The next might weeks or years away, and I might not know until neck-deep into it.

Along the way I hope I can help others with random side projects and creative ideas.

As of writing the site is basic. There are three articles, no images, a layout that needs improving and other things to sort.

But I'm on the way and aiming for an article a fortnight to start.

Building for Others

I deleted my first blog because it had served it's purpose. Pie and Dragon was a mish-mash of articles with few visitors. I had created it for myself with no direction or long-term plan.

Since then my tools and writing have been for others to use and read. To help them run better games and give ideas for interesting stories.

But this blog I intend to be around for some time. An experiment of story prompts, meetup ideas, foraging, learning, improv, drawing, dance and writing.

And I'm hoping for your input. Through polls, guest writers, article suggestions and stories of random side projects.

Finishing Up

There are already a couple of articles - "5 Creative Podcasts" and "Making use of your environment".

Find me on Twitter. On Ko-Fi. On Instagram.

What's your current or next random side project?