

Duncan is an aspiring creative nomad, who publishes random lists and tools for roleplaying games. Hobbies include salsa, games, books, podcasts, languages and history.

Morning Adventures Table

More dice rolls to add positivity to life. [Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash] Morning Adventures! In addition to my Random Reward Rolls I've added a Morning Adventure roll to my

Random Reward Rolls

Looking at ways to use randomness in a positive way. [Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash] Positive Randomness Randomness and uncertainty are part of life, some welcome and some not. Unwelcome ones might

New Article Ideas

A bad idea for an article but a good one for my ideas. Some Random Ideas as an Article! Well, today I'm struggling to write a fortnightly blog post, and no

Creative Podcasts for 2023

My annual post for creative podcasts! The 4th Year has fewer recommendations. Blindboy Podcast This is the main one for me of the year creative wise is the Blindboy Podcast. Blindboy is an

A Love of Podcasts and Audiobooks

I'm doing some articles on things I love (so far books, dance and creating), next up being Podcasts and Audiobooks. Friday Is Podcast Day Every Friday morning I get excited as