Duncan is an aspiring creative nomad, who publishes random lists and tools for roleplaying games. Hobbies include salsa, games, books, podcasts, languages and history.
Looking for annual blog posts to do. (Also switched to article every 2 weeks
until Autumn)
[Photo by Jeremy Vessey
Having times and places where we can sit and do nothing are important.
[Photo by Scott Evans
Following on previous articles on Audiobooks
[https://www.dicesong.com/tag/audiobooks/] and Podcasts
[https://www.dicesong.com/tag/podcasts/], here are creative audiobooks for 2022.
These are available in dead tree formats
I'm not a great writer. But I do manage to publish 3 blog posts a week
Becoming a Better Blogger or Writer
Writing a blog might be a hobby for
Agora é três meses no Porto. Eu cheguei em Março.
Melhores Coisas
O melhor coisas de meu tempo aqui são. Tempo para algumas reflexões
Jardim de Virtudes y Look Sharp. Um parque e