Duncan is an aspiring creative nomad, who publishes random lists and tools for roleplaying games. Hobbies include salsa, games, books, podcasts, languages and history.
Este é o meu segundo artigo em Português
[https://www.dicesong.com/tag/portugues/]. Para pessoas que querem falar
Português de Portugal. (Preciso de acrescentar a versão em inglês)
[Photo by Luís Feliciano
Taking a look at leaving things behind in our lives.
[Photo by Glen Carrie
on Unsplash
O meu primeiro artigo de uma série noutra língua. Com tradução para inglês.
(Foto de Sintra por Karol Stefański
My first article in a series in another language. This is the English Version.
Original in Portuguese [https://www.dicesong.com/um-articulo-em-portugues/].
(Photo of Sintra by Karol Stefański
One of the creative ideas for the site is being "Open to Abundance"
[https://www.dicesong.com/tag/open-to-abundance/], which got me thinking about
being open to ideas and theories of