What is it For: Dice Song Edition

Asking myself "What is it for" in relation to my own blog. 😂
Asking the Question
One of my favourite listens is Seth Godin on Akimbo Podcast. Thoughtful podcast episodes and a reason the blog exists.
One of his favourite questions is "What is it For"?
A dangerous question related to nearly anything. It will yield different answers if asked several times about the same things. All are valid.
In almost two years of blog posts my personal and the wider world has changed...alot. So it's time to ask
What is my personal blog Dice Song for?
A Place To Sound Out Ideas
I can write here and few will read it (unless it magically explodes one day). So I can do the rambles (dead for now) or tales of short words. or the side projects and articles in other languages.
And the blog will change as these ideas change. After a change of focus 6 months ago, there is more writing about three creative messages of Keep on Moving, We Are All Creatives and Open to Abundance.
It's good to have a place to explore ideas. 💡
A Place to Be Not a Gamer
Since the age of 11 Gaming has been one of my hobbies and in recent years it's also become Blog, Hobby and Work.
So the little space of Dice Song leaves behind games and explores creativity, dance, languages, learning and parts of my life. A place I can me a different type of Geek.
I think its important we all have space away from other parts of our lives. 🏞
A Place for Long Term Things
I have the blessing and curse of always thinking long term. Which means I've learnt the hard way to pay more attention to the now and world around 🙃.
So my blog is a place I can develop ideas over a long period such as the current creative themes and yearly articles such as creative podcasts and audiobooks.
Now I get to think about more annual articles. Or retro-fit previous articles into annual articles 🤔.
Having a place we can have a long term impact is a nice to have (for many of my family that seems to be a garden)
Finishing Up
It's also a place where I'm in control, for random ideas and let's me say "I have a blog on creativity 😁"
What do you need to ask the question about... "What is it For"?
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