First Mosaic Done

First Mosaic Done

I finished my first mosaic.

Delayed Mosaic

I finished my first mosaic!

Sometimes things take longer than expected, and that's what happened here.

It was started in December last year, before moving flats. I wanted to use my colour-emotion-paintings for something. I tend to make them at quite a pace, but don't want to hang them all or keep them all.

But in the spirit of always creating, I cut them up into bits and stuck them on cardboard.

Then found some problems, lessons even. Such as not-very-sticky glue, cardboard backing that bends the wrong way, the need to put some kind of resin or varnish or sealant on it. Or best way is a glass frame or maybe some kind of plastic. The future is there for trying out these things.

Anyway, really happy with it, it made some things that were colourful but not doing anything, and made them into something far more!

First Mosaic, started Dec 2023

And More

And here's a new one in progress! started today. As you can see, I've found dice to be good for weighting things down. Flexible and with a little weight, that can be stack one atop t'other.

Lots of learning to do. Excited to have access to room to play in Devon again!

Mosaic in progress

Finishing Up

Go create! try something new. Don't worry if it takes weeks, months or years to finish. That's just part of life.

Happy August!



Duncan is an aspiring creative nomad, who publishes random lists and tools for roleplaying games. Hobbies include salsa, games, books, podcasts, languages and history.
It varies. Probably in Europe