Leaving Porto

Leaving Porto

I've made the long-term decision to leave the big city

Leaving the Big City of Porto

So Porto isn't a big city. It's population is just under 2 million, ignoring that in the Portuguese way that's including the cities of Matosinhos, Vila Nova de Gaia, Maia and probably a couple more.

It's not on the same scale as London, Paris or Sao Paulo. But for me it IS a big city. Bigger than Exeter (130,000) or Bridport (less than 15,000) or Cardiff (~350,000), other places I've lived.

And I need to get back out into the countryside!

I've loved life in Porto, it's taught me so much and I've met great people. But I miss being out somewhere quieter and smaller. Living in the countryside or near it has a far different rhythm. And this is something I notice when visiting back to Devon.

Where is the Question

Now I'm in no hurry, so it could be in 3 months or

Assuming my new residency card turns up, I'll be staying in Portugal.

So it's time to explore a bit more of Portugal, and look at all the places that have been on the edge of my mind.

It won't be Lisbon, or Coimbra. One's bigger than Porto, and the other is dominated by the students.

My Portuguese is better now, so I could live somewhere smaller like Vila de Conde or Viana de Costelo, still within an hour or so of Porto to continue with things there.

Then there's somewhere a bit larger, like Braga which has a selection of dancing with Forro, Salsa, Bachata and Lindy. Or Viseu, "city of gardens", but maybe a bit far from other places. Or Faro, which is largest place on the Algarve but quite often ignored after folks have landed at the airports.

Or there's island life in Madeira or the Azores. Or one of many smaller towns I've never visited.

It's basically an excuse to go and explore Portugal some more!

Finishing Up

There's also a chance I'll still be in Porto in 2 years, debating where to go to next. Or I'm back in UK due to Portuguese bureaucracy.

What keeps you living where you do?



Duncan is an aspiring creative nomad, who publishes random lists and tools for roleplaying games. Hobbies include salsa, games, books, podcasts, languages and history.
It varies. Probably in Europe